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This interactive table contains links to and information about our Fellow-produced lesson plans. Use the search bar to selectively filter lessons to your classroom needs (e.g. search for ‘elementary’ or ‘bird’ lessons). You can also sort the table columns using the arrows next to each category. To access lesson materials, click on Lessons titles. If you’re looking for lessons designed to complement the BEST plots, they can be found here.
Lesson Title (short) | Author(s) | Year Created | Grade Level | Time Commitment (# of 50 min. classes) | Keywords | Activity Type |
Building Evolutionary Trees: how did New World Oriole colors evolve? | Cara Krieg | 2014 | High (AP biology) | 1.5 | Evolution, Evolutionary tree, Phylogeny, Cladogram, Common ancestor, Bird, Oriole, Model building | demonstration |
Who’s the bravest of them all?: Using inquiry to explore cricket behavior | Michael Kuczynski | 2015 | Middle, High | 4+ | Inquiry, Scientific Method, Animal Behavior | inquiry, data interpretation |
A Game of Selection: Exploring Evolution by Natural Selection | Michael Kuczynski | 2015 | Middle, High | 1-2 | Evolution, Natural Selection, Survival, Reproduction, Game, Animal Behavior | game |
Farming for Ecosystem Services | Dani Fegan, Susan Magnoli, Bonnie McGill | 2015 | Middle, High | 1 | ecosystem services, ecosystem function, biodiversity-ecosystem function hypothesis, decision-making game, agriculture, land management | game |
Expecting the Unexpected: Adventures in Critical Thinking | Emily Dittmar, Amanda Charbonneau | 2015 | Middle, High | 1 | hypothesis testing, evolution, inference, deductive reasoning, anti-vaccination, conspiracy, correlation | demonstration, data interpretation |
Seeing the forest from the trees | Di Liang, Brendan O'Neill | 2015 | Elementary | 1-2 | trees, light, water, leave shape, leaf size | demonstration |
Putting Down Roots: The Evolution of Plants from Water to Land | Pat Hanly, Andy Booms | 2015 | Elementary, Middle | 1 | plant, evolution, adaptation, microscope | demonstration |
The Chi-square goodness of fit test: Application for testing genetic inheritance hypotheses | Bonnie McGill | 2014 | High, AP Biology, 10-12. | 1-2 | statistics, chi-square, data | data interpretation, mathematics |
Why do species cooperate? A card-based simulation of the ant-acacia mutualism | Emily Dittmar, Amanda Charboneau, Pat Hanly | 2014 | Upper Middle, High | 1 | game | |
Not in my stream! The Asian carp invaders | Bonnie McGill, Di Liang, Dani Fegan | 2014 | Elem, 3-5 | 1-2 | game | |
Connecting Landscapes in a Changing World | Dani Fegan, Emily Dittmar | 2014 | Middle, High | 1-2 | fragmentation, human impacts, corridors, conservation, dispersal, reserve design, habitat requirements | data interpretation, graphing, demonstration |
Coevolving with Crossbills: A Tale of Two Pinecones | Brendan O’Neill, Susan Magnoli, Andy Booms | 2014 | Middle, High | 1 | game | |
Decomposition: The Ultimate Disappearing Act! | Brendan O'Neill, Jennifer Boyle, Jodie Lugar-McManus | 2014 | Late Middle, Early High | 2 | soil, microbes, carbon loss, matter transitions | inquiry, data interpretation, graphing |
Does Size Matter? Investigating the Physical Properties of Soil and their Effects on Plants | Emily Dittmar, Russ Stolberg | 2014 | Middle, High | 2 | clay, sand, serpentine, permeability, geology, weathering, calcium, magnesium, water | demonstration |
Food Web Control of Beneficial and Pest Species: Who Eats Who and Why Should We Care? | Pat Hanly, Marcia Angle | 2014 | Middle, Early High School, 5-9 | 3 | Food webs, biodiversity, pond, plankton, invertebrates, frogs, water chemistry, microscopy | inquiry, demonstration |
Fun with plants: understanding the functions of mineral elements | Di Liang, Marty Green | 2014 | Middle, High School | 4 - 6 weeks | nutrients, hydroponics, pH, PPM & EC probes, limiting & essential nutrients | Inquiry, graphing |
When mountains disappear where do they go? Inorganic carbon cycling in your belly and our ecosystems | Bonne McGill, Meredith Hawkins, Sandy Erwin | 2014 | High School | 1+ | tums, weathering, carbon cycle, geology, lime, buffer | demonstration, data interpretation |
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Species Interactions | Susan Magnoli, Caleb Fisher, Becky Drayton | 2014 | Elementary, Middle, High School modifications | 2 | environmental change, mutualism, parasitism, pollination, beneficial, negative, | game, demonstration |
Running the Gauntlet: Finding the Least Cost Path | Andy Booms, Jamie Bowman, Shaun Davis | 2014 | Upper Elementary, Middle, Lower High School | 2-3 | animals, movement, dispersal, migration, map, habitat, Africa. | demonstration, design |
Bringing Biology to Urban Design: All Aboard the Poop Train! | Sara Garnett, Jakob Nalley | 2014 | Elementary, Middle | 1,2 | agriculture, algae, bioluminescence, recycling, urban design, city, energy efficiency | demonstration |
What’s in My Backyard? Identifying Winter Birds in Michigan | Cara Krieg | 2014 | Advanced Elementary, Middle, High | 1+ | classification, birds, Michigan | demonstration, tour |
Where the Wild Things Are: How Rainfall Drives Food Web Interactions | Dani Fegan, Sarah Jones, Cara Krieg | 2013 | Elementary, Middle, High | 0.5-1 | food web, water cycle, Africa, migration, Serengeti | game, demonstration |
Wetlands: Not just a swampy place | Amanda Charbonneau, Susan Magnoli | 2013 | Elementary | 1-2 | wetlands, water, food web | demonstration |
Sex Changes, Drugs, and Rockin’ Dead Zones | Sara Garnett, Emily Dittmar, Jake Nalley | 2013 | Advanced Middle, High | 3 + | dead zone, algal bloom, stratification, sex ratio, contaminants | demonstration, game |
Chi-Square tests: When and how to use | Cara Krieg | 2013 | High (AP Biology) | 0.5-1 | chi-square, chi-square goodness of fit, statistics, data analysis, female song, wren | data interpretation, mathematics |
BEST plots Landscape Legacy Application | Jake Nalley, Cheryl Hach | 2013 | Middle, High | 1-2 | Landuse, Google Earth | Inquiry, data interpretation, graphing |
Variety is the spice of life! | Emily Dittmar | 2013 | Middle, High | 2 | genetic drift, heterozygous, homozygous, genotype, allele frequencies, Hardy-Weinberg | demonstration, game |
Developing Research Questions Using BEST Plots | Cara Krieg, Sara Garnett, Dustin Kincaid, Jake Nalley | 2013 | Elementary, Middle, High | 1 | inquiry, data interpretation |
Bug Lyphe! An NGSS observational biodiversity study | Dani Fegan, Marty Buehler | 2013 | Middle, High | 2-5 | Ecosystem, Biodiversity, Invertebrates, Ecosystem Function, Observational Study, Graphing, NGSS, Next Generation Science Standards | inquiry, data interpretation, graphing |
Survivor: Extreme Environments | Amanda Charbonneau | 2013 | High | 2 | Invasive plants | game, demonstration |
Roid Rage: Is it just for boys? | Sarah Jones | 2013 | Middle, High | 1-2 | Steroids, Hyenas, Competition | demonstration, game |
Michigan's Most Unwanted | Susan Magnoli, Marcia Angle, Jodie Lugar-McManus | 2013 | Middle, High | 1-2 | Invasive species, Sea lamprey, Dichotomous key, Graphing exercise | demonstration, graphing |
What's the Buzz? | Raffica La Rosa | 2008 | Middle, Upper Elementary | 1-1.5 | Plants, Flowers, Pollinators, Adaptation | demonstration |
Forest of Fortune | Melissa Kjelvik, Raffica La Rosa | 2009 | Elementary, Middle, High | 2 | Management, Human impacts, Ecology, Wildlife | game |
How Do Scientists Study Succession? | Emily Grman, Kane Keller | 2009 | High | 3-4 | Succession, Data, Graphing, Land management, Analysis | data interpretation, graphing |
Where does plant mass come from? | Emily Grman | 2008 | High | 2-3 | Photosynthesis, Respiration, Plant growth, Carbon cycle | inquiry, data interpretation |
To Fish or Not To Fish | Emily Grman, Nikhil Jaikumar | 2009 | High | 1-2 | Human impacts, Aquatic systems, Fish, Environmental sustainability | data interpretation, debate |
Mycorrhizae: Mutualism or Parasitism? | Emily Grman | 2009 | Middle | 2 | Mutualism, Parasitism, Soil, Species interactions | game |
Light and Plant Biomass | Emily Grman, Sue Zygadlo | 2008 | Middle, High | 1-2 | Plant biomass, Photosynthesis | inquiry, data interpretation |
Invisible Friends Underground | Emily Grman | 2012 | Middle, High, College | 3-4 | Soil, Species interactions, Microscopic organisms, Mutualisms | inquiry, demonstration |
Into thin air: What happens to leaves when they decompose? | Emily Grman | 2009 | Middle, High | 4+ | Decomposition, Carbon cycle, Vernier sensors, Graphing | inquiry, data interpretation, graphing |
Animal Motion | Emily Grman | 2009 | Elementary | 1 | Motion, Animals, Plants, Seed dispersal, Movement | demonstration |
Albedo: How much of the sun's energy gets absorbed? | Emily Grman | 2009 | Middle | 4 | Graph data, Interpret graphs, Light absorption, Energy | Inquiry, data interpretation |
Humans and Biodiversity | Kane Keller, Jay Sobel | 2008 | High | 5 | Biodiversity, Human impacts | inquiry, data interpretation, mathematics |
The Subliminal Significance of Soil | Jonathon Schramm | 2009 | High | 1 | Carbon cycle, Soil, Community ecology, Human impacts | inquiry |
Succession: patterns in the field and in seeds | Emily Grman | 2008 | Middle, High | 2 | Succession, Adaptations, Biodiversity | demonstration, tour |
Rotten but not forgotten | High | 1-2 | Decomposition, Carbon cycle | inquiry, demonstration |
Microbes on Trial | Middle, High | 2 | Microbes, Species interactions, Ecosystems | demonstration, student presentation |
Lady Beetle Blitz | Brook Wilke | 2009 | Elementary, Middle, High | 1-2 | Biodiversity, Invasive species | inquiry, data interpretation |
From Molecules to Populations | Robin Tinghitella, Sandy Breitenbach | Elementary, Middle, High | Genetic tools, DNA, Genotype, Phenotype | data interpretation |
Conserving water and calculating your water footprint | Sara Parr Syswerda | 2010 | Elementary, Middle, High | 1 | Water conservation, Human impacts, Human interactions | inquiry, student presentation |
You're not yourself when you are hungry... | Melissa Kjelvik, Connie High | 2010 | Elementary, Middle, High | 3 | Animal behavior, Variation, Personality | inquiry, game |
Groundwater conceptions and processes | Teachers, High | 1-3 | Water, Pollution, Human impacts | demonstration |
Gases matter! | Elementary | 1.5 | Gases, Mass, Matter | demonstration |
Frogsicles: how frogs survive the winter | Emily Grman, Sara Parr Syswerda | 2008 | Middle, High | 2 | Water properties, Osmosis, Adaptations | inquiry, demonstration |
How Do Birds Fly? | Brook Wilke | Elementary | 0.5 | Birds, Animals, Traits | demonstration |
Don't Shell Yourself Short | Emily Grman, Raffica La Rosa | 2008 | Middle, High | 2 | Evolution, Natural selection, Human impacts | game |
Comparison of Historical Lake Ice Cover Data From Three Lakes in Michigan and Wisconsin | Sara Parr Syswerda, Sigrid Smith | 2006 | Middle, High | 1-2 | Climate change, water, lakes | data interpretation, graphing |
Where does plant mass come from? | Brook Wilke | Elementary | 6 | Plants, carbon cycle, biomass, growth | inquiry, data interpretation |
Food Chain | Brook Wilke | Elementary | 0.5 | Predator-Prey, Food Chain, Ecology, Trophic levels | game |
All About Corn | Brook Wilke | Upper Elementary, Middle | 1.5 | Plants, Agriculture, Math, Crops, Energy | data interpretation, mathematics |
Big Roots for Big Problems | Tyler Bassett, Dustin Kincaid, Jake Nalley, Michael Kuczynski | 2013 | Middle, High | 1.5 | Trees, Roots, Ecosystem Services, Flooding, Drought, Soil Retention, Project GREEEN, Erosion | demonstration, inquiry |
BoxCar2D ~ Evolving better cars | Liz Schultheis, Anne Royer, Sara Garnett | 2013 | Middle, High | 2 | Evolution, Engineering, Local Adaptation, Fitness, Traits, Natural Selection | inquiry, demonstration |
BEST plots ~ Using real data in the classroom | Cara Krieg, Alycia Lackey, Tomomi Suwa | 2013 | Elementary, Middle, High | 2 | Biofuel, BEST Plots, Data Nuggets, Diversity, Competition, Nutrients, Plants, Insects, Invertebrates, Graphing, Claims, Evidence, Reasoning | data interpretation, graphing |
Water in the classroom: Lake Mixing | Jake Nalley | 2013 | Middle | 1 | Lake Mixing, Stratification, Turn-over, Ocean Layering, Temperature, Salinity | demonstration |
Water and Winter | Anne Royer, Raffica La Rosa | 2009 | Elementary, Middle, High | 2 | Water, Chemistry, Winter, Lakes, Limnology | demonstration |
Pollination: what’s on your flowers? | Anne Royer | 2009 | Elementary, Middle, High | 2 | Ecology, Mutualism, Pollination, Plant Ecology, Insects, Flowers | inquiry |
Natural selection in the classroom | Anne Royer, Jay Sobel | 2009 | High | Full semester, year | Evolution, Natural Selection, Plants, Crayfish, Snails | inquiry |
Effect of fish on pond invertebrate community structure | Anne Royer, Melissa Kjelvik | 2009 | Elementary, Middle, High | 4, KBS field activity | Aquatic Invertebrates, Keystone Predator, Community Ecology, Insects, Fish | inquiry, data interpretation |
Weeds! Tricks of the trade | Tyler Bassett, Cara Krieg, Dustin Kincaid | 2012 | High | 1 | Dispersal, Seed Bank, Landscape Ecology, Graphing, Weeds, Volunteers | demonstration, graphing |
Seeds on the Run | Anne Royer, Michael Kuczynski, Sara Garnett | 2012 | Middle, High | 1 | Dispersal, Seeds, Trade-offs, Herbivory, Game | game |
The Double Life of A Squirrel | Elizabeth Schultheis, Tomomi Suwa, Jakob Nalley | 2012 | Middle | 2 | Foraging, Project Squirrel, Observational Study, Animal Behavior, Dispersal, Predation, Seed, Citizen Science | inquiry, data interpretation |
The New Farmer's Almanac | Tomomi Suwa, Anne Royer | 2012 | High | 1.5 | Climate Change, Michigan, Weather Patterns, Agriculture, Crops, Corn, Soybean, Wheat, Farm, Rain, Precipitation, Temperature | data interpretation, graphing |
The climate is changing | Tyler Bassett, Sara Garnett, Cara Krieg | 2012 | Middle, High | 0.75 | Climate Change, Michigan, Weather Patterns, Daily Life, Agriculture, Economics | demonstration |
The Best Genes for the Job | Michael Kuczynski, Kate Steensma | 2011 | Middle, High | 1 | Evolution, Mimicry, Game, Density Dependent, Predator, Prey, Survival | game |
Dividends from Diversity | Tyler Bassett, Michael Kuczynski | 2011 | Middle | 1.5 | Diversity, Game, Invertebrates, Ecosystem Services | game |
Why fly south? | Elizabeth Schultheis, Dustin Kincaid | 2012 | Middle, High | 1 | Phenology, Flower Time, Lake Ice Cover, Climate Change, Citizen Science | data interpretation, graphing |
It's Getting Hot in Here! | Jakob Nalley, Michael Kuczynski | 2012 | Elementary, Middle, High | 1 | Climate change, Impacts on Flora and Fauna, Games, Polar Bear, Nemo, Clownfish, Bullwinkle | game |
Why is there variation in fish personality type? | Nick Ballew | <2011 | High | 2 | Bass, Simulation, Evolution, Natural Selection, Phenotype, Heritability, Sustainability | game |
The Hunger Games | Michael Kuczynski, Kate Steensma | 2012 | Middle, High | 1 | Evolution, Genetics, Genotype, Phenotype, Game, Graphing | game |
Geeked About Beaks | Alycia Lackey | 2012 | Elementary, Middle, High | 1.5 | Survival, Reproduction, Animal Behavior, Game, Animal Behavior, Evolution, Environment, Environmental Change, Predator, Prey | game |
Cannibalism | Sara Garnett | 2012 | High | 1 | Tadpoles, Animal Behavior, Game, Evolution, Kin Selection, Strategy | game |
Angry Birds | Cara Krieg | 2012 | High | 1 | Birds, Animal Behavior, Game, Aggression, House Wrens, Territories | game |
Algal Biofuels | Jakob Nalley | 2012 | Middle, High | 1 | Algal biofuels, Sustainability, Alternative Fuels, Algae, Phytoplankton, Renewable Energy | game, demonstration |
Evolving to Invade | Tomomi Suwa, Elizabeth Schultheis, Marcia Angle | 2012 | Middle, High | 1 | Invasive Species, Evolution, Seeds, Game | game |
Invasion: Total Take-Over! | Kate Steensma, Michael Kuczynski | <2011 | Middle, High | 1 | Invasive Species, Biological Control, Human Impacts, Game, Michigan, Monsters | game |
How seeds get around | Elizabeth Schultheis, Alycia Lackey | 2011 | Elementary | 1.5 | Seed, Wind, Water, Animal Dispersal, Physical Characteristics, Adaptation | demonstration, inquiry |
Experimental Design and Communicating Scientific Findings | Tyler Bassett, Tomomi Suwa | <2011 | Middle, High | 1 | Scientific Poster, Presentation, Method, Controlled Experiment | demonstration, student presentation |
Climate Change: the basis of belief | Nick Ballew | <2011 | Global Warming, Quantitative, Claim, Graphs, Figures, Evidence | data interpretation |
Biotic Resistance - What can stop invasive species? | Elizabeth Schultheis | 2011 | Middle | 1 | Invasive Species, Enemy Release, Biotic Resistance, Herbivory, Disease, Predation, Game | game |
The Marvels of Mud | Lauren Kinsman, Liz Ratashak | <2011 | Middle, High | 2 | Sediment, Aquatic Ecosystems, Water, Phosphorus, Experimental Control, Treatment, Observation, Ecosystem Effects | inquiry |
Survivor: Who will be the best competitor? | Alycia Lackey, Steve Barry, Sandy Erwin | <2011 | Elementary, Middle, High | 1.5 | Survival, Competition, Game, Evolution, Predation, Predator, Prey | game |
How do mutations and invasions affect populations? | Kate Steensma, Marty Beuhler | <2011 | Elementary, Middle, High | 1 | Resources, Natural Selection, Extinction, Displacement, Competition, Theory, Graphs, Hypothesis, Observation, Advantageous Trait | game |
Sounds of Selection | Michael Kuczynski, Marty Green | <2011 | Middle, High | 1.5 | Frogs, Survival, Reproduction, Strategy, Game, Human Impacts | game |
N20: It's no laughing matter | Leilei Ruan, Sandy Erwin | <2011 | Middle, High | 1 | Biofuels, Global Warming, Gas, Carbon, Greenhouse, Methane, Nitrous Oxide, Nitrogen, Emissions | inquiry |
Mutualism in Action | Tomomi Suwa, Sandy Breitenbach | <2011 | Middle, High | 2 | Mutualist, Symbiosis, Soybean, Rhizobia, Bacteria, Nitrogen, Light, Agriculture, Plant, Crop | inquiry |
Invasive Species Game | Elizabeth Schultheis, Melissa Kjelvik | 2010 | Middle | 1.5 | Invasive Species, Michigan Plants, Enemy Release, Introduced Species, Native Species, Human Disturbance | game |
Take students on a field trip to do a forest walk! | Alycia Lackey | <2011 | Elementary, Middle | 1.5+ | Outdoors, Michigan, Animals, Plants, Observation, Identification | demonstration, tour |
Do herbivores prefer local or exotic foods? | Elizabeth Schultheis, Marcia Angle | 2010 | Elementary, Middle, High | 2 | Invasive Species, Enemy Release, Herbivory, Disease, Oaks, Galls, Native Species | inquiry, data interpretation, graphing |
BEST Plot Soils Protocol | GK-12 Fellows | Elementary, Middle, High | Variable | Soil, Chemistry, Nitrogen, Inquiry | inquiry, BEST protocol | |
BEST Plot Landscape Protocol | GK-12 Fellows | Elementary, Middle, High | Variable | Land Use, Human Impact, Inquiry, Maps | inquiry, BEST protocol | |
Best Plot Biomass Protocol | GK-12 Fellows | Elementary, Middle, High | Variable | Biofuels, Bioenergy, Inquiry, Data Interpretation | inquiry, BEST protocol | |
BEST Plot Biodiversity Protocol | GK-12 Fellows | Elementary, Middle, High | Variable | Biofuels, Biodiversity, Inquiry, Data Interpretation | inquiry, BEST protocol | |
The Pig Bang Theory: Implications of Ignoring Evolution | Amanda Charbonneau, Sarah Jones | 2014 | High School | 1+ | evolution, antibiotic resistance, organic, farming, food | game, data interpretation |
Building Bliss for Butterflies | Dustin Kincaid, Susan Magnoli, Cara Krieg | 2014 | Elementary | 1 | migration, Monarchs, phenology, plants, flowers, insects, climate change | game, demonstration |
Winter Schoolyard: Soil and Air Temperature | Brook Wilke | Elementary, Middle | 1.0 | Winter Ecology, Soil, Weather | inquiry |
Winter Cover Crops | Brook Wilke | Middle, High | 4.0 | Agriculture, Winter Ecology, Plant Traits | inquiry, student presentation |
Thinking about Waste | Brook Wilke | Elementary | 1.0 | Conservation | demonstration |
Volume of Snow and Water | Brook Wilke | Elementary, Middle | 1.0 | Physical Science, States of Matter | inquiry, demonstration |
Rainy Day Habitat Lesson | Brook Wilke | Elementary | 1.0 | Habitat, Invertebrates, | inquiry |
Microscopic Life in Water | Brook Wilke | 2006 | Elementary | 1.0 | Algae, Aquatic, Water, Microscope | demonstration |
Land Conservation Debate | Brook Wilke | 2006 | Middle, High | 1.0 | Conservation, Land Management | debate |
Is CO2 An Atmospheric Pollutant? | Brook Wilke | 2006 | Middle | 2.0 | Pollution, Carbon, Gases | data interpretation, panel discussion |
Iron In Cereal | Brook Wilke | Elementary | 1.0 | Nutrition, Magnetism | inquiry, demonstration |
History and Diversity of American Crops | Brook Wilke | Middle | 6 | Crops, Management | demonstration | |
Hairy Leaves | Brook Wilke | Middle | 1 | Plants, Physiology, Inquiry | inquiry, graphing |
Habitat Loss and Fragmentation: The Good, Bad, and Ugly | Brook Wilke | Middle | 1 | Habitat loss, Management, Habitat Fragmentation, | game |